GOLDEN HANDS ARTWORKS(GHA) is an art project by Ruwell Mathumo.


The project's aim is following:


A better world of artworks everyone have ever made or seen.

The quality of educative, informative and expressive artworks.


So, he paints for education, business, and for expression.

Who's doing it?

Mr. Ruwell Mathumo (Oct. 2013)
Mr. Ruwell Mathumo (Oct. 2013)

Mr. Ruwell Mathumo is the founder and current organizer of GHA.

Usually he's facing on the canvas in the GHA house, in the village of Gweta, Botswana.

He loves painting.He's painting all day long.

In my journey in Botswana for 1 month, he is the sole person who said "I'M BUSY!" ;)


His has a dream and his dream is to pass on the delightness of painting for childrens in Africa and create the future full of art in Africa.


Ruwell loves his motherland -- Africa and Botswana. And he is mainly motived by the animals and nature of Africa. You may feel his love in Africa deeply from his work.

Mr. Ruwell facing the canvas
Mr. Ruwell facing the canvas

Where is it?

Road to Gweta
Road to Gweta

The GHA house is located in Gweta, Botswana.

Gweta is a village between Maun and Francistown.

You can get to Gweta by bus from each city.

It's 5 minutes walk from the bus stop at Gweta.

Walking towards the main road and passing the hardware shop and tining factory, you can see a sculpture of zebra: it's the sign of GHA house.

Mr. Ruwell is usually working there.


Gweta is lovable village.It's very relaxing and people are friendly.

There're some convenient supermarkets, good restaurants, comfortable accomodations.

Also, there're many to see for travellers: huge pans and big baobabs.

Gweta is welcoming you.


GHA house with zebra sculpture
GHA house with zebra sculpture
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Gweta Village
Gweta Village
Tining factory
Tining factory
Ntwetwe Pan
Ntwetwe Pan
A baobab tree
A baobab tree



